List Page Properties

01. Page Design


This enables users to set a preferred title name for a page.


Choose between Table List or Custom view in other to set how records are displayed on a particular page.


If set to True reloads and clears whatever data the page holds on navigation. This is useful in a single page application like vue.js


This is the message you want users to see when the page record is empty.

02. Default Query Configuration


This helps in retrieving data from two or more database tables.

Select Tables

This displays the list of tables available in your database, that will be selected for the join statement.

Joined Tables

This are the list of database tables that have been selected for the join statement.

Join Condition

  • Join Type: Enables user to chose the type of joining that will take place between the tables.

    • INNER JOIN: This is used to return rows from both tables that satisfy the given condition.

    • LEFT JOIN: This returns all the rows from the table on the left even if no matching rows have been found in the table on the right. Where no matches have been found in the table on the right, NULL is returned.

    • RIGHT JOIN: This returns all the columns from the table on the right even if no matching rows have been found in the table on the left. Where no matches have been found in the table on the left, NULL is returned.

  • Left Field: Enables user to select a table field for the Join Type left field.

  • Right Field: Enables user to select a table field for the Join Type right field.

Sample SQL statement structure

This displays a sample of the generated SQL statement based on the Join Condition configuration.


Enables user to enter the Where condition. e.g id=1 AND cus_id=1

A WHERE clause in SQL specifies that a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement should only affect rows that meet specified criteria. The criteria are expressed in the form of predicates.


Enables user to enter the Having condition. e.g sum_of_price > 2000 or SUM(Amount) > 500

A HAVING clause in SQL specifies that an SQL SELECT statement should only return rows where aggregate values meet the specified conditions. It was added to the SQL language because the WHERE keyword could not be used with aggregate functions.

Order By

Enables user to select the field for the data to be sorted by and if it should be sorted in ASC(Ascending order) or DESC(Descending order).

An ORDER BY clause in SQL specifies that a SQL SELECT statement returns a result set with the rows being sorted by the values of one or more columns.


Enables the user to limit the number of record to queried.

03. Page Components


Allows user to choose how to display the action buttons on the table view. Styles are (Icons, Dropdown).


Allows user to add a delete button for deleting records on List Page.


Allows user to add an edit button for editing records on List Page.


Allows user to add a view button for viewing records on List Page.


Allows user to name the edit button.


Allows user to name the view button.


Allows user to name the delete button.


Allows user to add an export button for exporting records on List Page.


Allows user to name the export button.


01 JSON Import

  • EnableJSONImport: Enables user to import a JSON file type when set to True

02 CSV Import

  • EnableCSVImport: Enables user to import a CSV file type when set to True

  • QuoteChar: Allows user to set the type of code character that an imported CSV file contains.

  • SeparatorChar: Allows user to select the type of data separator the imported JSON file contains.


  • SaveFile: Enables user to save the file to the server after importing the records to the database.

  • UseTransactional: This database concept when set to True, allows for a data importation process to be aborted when an error is encountered.


Allows user to name the import button.


When set to True, numbers the record sequentially on the page.


When set to True, displays a checkbox for each record, allowing for multiple action to be taken on selected records.


When set to True, displays a number of records based on user PaginationSettings.


When Numeric PrevNext is selected, includes a numeric numbering between the Previous and Next buttons in the pagination;

When PrevNext Only is selected, removes the numeric numbering between the Previous and Next buttons in the pagination.

  • Record Count: When checked, adds record counting to the page pagination.

  • Page Count: When checked, adds page counting to the page pagination.

  • Record Limit: When checked, adds record limiting to the page pagination.

  • Apply Current Settings to All Pages: when Checked, adds the current pagination settings to all pages.


When set to True display the page search field and if set to False, hides the page search field.

04. Table Design


Allows user to set the wrapper class for current page, either a custom class is added by typing or selected from the drop down list.


Allows user to select how the table border should be styled.

  • None: When selected hides the table border.

  • Horizontal: When selected adds the horizontal table border.

  • Both: When selected adds both vertical and horizontal borders.


When set to True adds a gray color to the odd number rows in the table. And if False, removes the gray color on the odd number rows.


When set to True changes the table color to black and if False is selected, sets the table color to white.


This displays the table in smaller padded cells if set to True but does not compact the table when set to False.


This sets the table header color.


This sets the table header text color.


When set to True, adds highlight when the mouse hovers over the table records.


When set to True adds responsiveness to the table, which makes it adjust to different screen size.

05. Page Modal


When set to True, makes the Edit Page display as a modal.

Note: ModalEdit does not support old browsers like Internet Explorer.


When set to True, makes the View Page display as a modal.

Note: ModalView does not support old browsers like Internet Explorer.

Last updated