List Page Field Properties

Display Type

Allows user to select the type of data from a field to be displayed.

  1. Plain Text: Select to display normal text

  2. Image: Select to display images

  3. Custom: Select to add a custom code

  4. None: Select none to hide field but maintains data from the database


Enables data in a particular field to be sorted when selected.

  • True: Select true to make field sortable

  • False: Select false to make field non-sortable

Used to link a particular field record to a page.

  • --CurrentRecordDetails--: connects a field's record to a detail page or view page

  • --CurrentFieldCategory--: filters record based on the field

  • --CurrentFieldvalue--: Used to link a particular field data to a file or an attachment

  • --CurrentFieldValueSearch--: Used to search current field

  • --CurrentFieldMailTo--: Adds mailto link to the current field's data

  • /menuexample/list: used to link the current field record or data to the list page

  • /menuexample/add: used to link the current field record or data to the add page


Allows user to format the field's record data for example; human_date, human _time, human_datetime, relative_date, to_currency('en_US') ucwords, ucfirst,strtolower, strtoupper, str_truncate(50,'...'), approximate(2), to_number, number_to_words('en').

  • human_date: convert the current field record to human readable date

  • human _time: converts the current field record to human readable time

  • human_datetime: converts the current field record to human readable date and time

  • relative_date: converts the current field record to relative date for example; few seconds ago

  • to_currency('en_US'): converts the current field record to currency

  • ucwords: converts the first letter of every word in the current field record or data to uppercase

  • ucfirst: converts the first letter of every string in the current field record to uppercase

  • strtolower: converts the current field record to lowercase

  • strtoupper: converts the current field record to uppercase

  • str_truncate(50,'...'): intercepts the length of data in the current field record, to the specified value

  • approximate(2): Approximates data in the current field record according to specified value

  • to_number: formats the data in a current field record. For example: 1988665545 to 1,988,665,545

  • number_to_words('en'): formats a given data in a current field record to words. For example: 1 2 3 4 to one two three four


Adds an icon to the current field title, there several icons to choose from.


Allow you to define a fixed or dynamic column width or a custom class.

  • Fixed: Here you define a fixed width using the CSS measurements. For example; 1px

  • Dynamic: Here you define the with in percentage For example; 5%

  • Custom: form You add your custom class by adding double hyphen to the beginning and ending of your class name in the field. For example; --customclassname--

Display Label

Allows user to input or edit each list field title or name.

Master Detail Relation

Set detail relationship of the field record.

  • Master table: Maintains the current database table name

  • Master Field: Enables user select the value that will query the detail Table

  • Detail Table: This is the field that contains the value to be used for query on the Details Page

  • Detail Field: Contains the data or record that will be used to compare against the Master Field record/ table

Detail Page Display

Allows user to choose how data will presented on the Master Detail page

  • Detail page: Allows user to select how data will appear (List/ View)

  • Page Display Style: Choose how the view page will be present (Modal/ View Page/ Inline)

  • Record Display Text: This is the text that will be displayed on the column of each field, such that when clicked on will display details in that record

Image Size Dimension

Allows user to set image size in the current field when display type is set to image. This size can be modified to meet user's need.

Custom Code

Allows user to provide a custom view code to customize a current field view.

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